Eurocave Cigar CC-064V3

Eurocave Cigar

A Cigar, a Timeless Moment …

Enjoying a cigar, is not only to savour all of its flavour but also to enjoy a special relationship with time. The time taken to appreciate, to inhale, to gently roll between the fingers, to prepare before smoking, these are special moments for all lovers of fine cigars. Unforgettable shared moments. Whilst smoking a cigar, let time do what it will … Thanks to an exclusive temperature and hygrometry regulation system, EuroCave guarantees optimum preservation of your cigars:
- A constant temperature between 15°C and 20°C.
- Hygrometry between 65% and 75%.
To simplify service, these cabinets are equipped with a wooden presentation tray and a sliding drawer.

Energy & Technical Features
Model: CC-064V3
Specification: With 1 display tray, 2 drawers & 1 half-deep wooden shelf, glass door
Colour: Buffle
Dimensions: 950 x 655 x 690
Capacity: Approx. 40 boxes

HK$ 44,820.00 44820.0 HKD HK$ 44,820.00 HK$ 49,800.00

HK$ 44,820.00 HK$ 49,800.00

Not Available For Sale

  • 國家 / 原產地


國家 / 原產地: 法國

  • All beverages stored in our own warehouse at 13 degrees Celsius & 70% humidity
  • Delivery Schedule (Delivery *usually* within 48 hours from time of order):
    • M, W & F for Hong Kong Island
    • T, Th & S for Kowloon and N.T.
    • Outlying Islands: Via 3rd Party Logistics Partner
  • Free delivery to a single address for purchases of $1,500 or above;
    • Below HK$1,500, the delivery charge will be HK$90 for Hong Kong Island or HK$150 for Kowloon & N.T.;
    • Additional charges may be applied for Discovery Bay, Tung Chung and Outlying Islands;
  • Offer subject to remaining unsold and final confirmation; Price is subject to change without prior notice;
  • No return or exchange following 24 hours after delivery or for vintages that are aged 15 years or more;
  • Any opened bottles or bottles that are damaged in anyway will not be considered for refund or exchange;
  • All bottles are pre-inspected but we cannot guarantee the quality of the contents or guarantee against corked bottles.